J.S. Bach's Saint John Passion, BWV 245, Good Friday at Saint Peter's, April 18 2025

Passion According to Saint Mark, 2023.

A cornerstone of our classical music program, and one of the most important days in the liturgical calendar, Saint Peter's presents their musical tradition with J.S. Bach's Saint John Passion, BWV 245.

Saint John Passion, BWV 245, is among the greatest settings of the Passion in the history of music, which underwent several fundamental changes during Bach’s lifetime and does not have a "final" version, approved by the composer as is the case with the Saint Matthew Passion. Presented by Saint Peter's Bach Collegium Orchestra and Soloists and the Saint Peter's Choir, this special musical event is in person only, with recordings available online at a later date.

Saint John Passion, BWV 245, is among the greatest settings of the Passion in the history of music, which underwent several fundamental changes during Bach’s lifetime. It does not have a "final" version approved by the composer, as is the case with the Saint Matthew Passion.

Presented by Saint Peter's Bach Collegium Orchestra and Soloists and the Saint Peter's Choir, this special musical event is in person only, with recordings available online at a later date. For more information on the musical history of Saint Peter’s, including our newly-refurbished organ, see our For the Future campaign.

  • The Passion narrative from the Lutheran Bible and the chorale verses are interspersed with aria texts of varied origins. An unknown editor compiled these in 1724 from several sources of poetry. A few of the aria texts, such as “Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten” were probably written by this editor who was particularly inspired by the basic ideas of the fourth Gospel. All-in-all, the varied pasticcio character of the libretto distinguishes the Saint John Passion from its companion work the Saint Matthew Passion with its text by a single author Picander whom Bach named on the title page of his fair copy.

    The performance will be on period instruments in German, with opportunity for participation with the Chorales, in English, by the congregation.



Presented within a liturgy, this Passion is in-person only and made possible by donations.



© Pamela Dellal, alt. Libretto
Henry S. Drinker Chorales
Catherine Winkworth Chorale No. 40

  • Vincent Carr is a conductor, organist, pedagogue and composer/improviser widely known for his versatility as a performer and collaborative musician. He currently serves as Director of Music, Liturgy and the Arts at Saint Peter’s Church in New York City. Most recently, he served as the education czar for the American Guild of Organists, the world’s largest professional organization of organists and church musicians, as well as music director at the parish of Our Lady of the Lake in Verona, New Jersey. From concert hall to church, he has championed new music and the works of underrepresented composers in diverse and engaging concert programs.

    As a professional organist and choral conductor, he has held organist and choirmaster posts at some of the nation's most noteworthy churches and cathedrals. From 2006-2013, he was Associate Organist at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, New Jersey, where he founded the Wednesdays at Noon concert series as a mission to the city of Newark. In his subsequent post at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, New York, a commercial recording entitled "A Year at Incarnation" was released featuring the cathedral's renowned music ministry. An experienced university professor for more than a decade, he most recently served as Associate Professor of Organ and Church Music in the prestigious Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University (Bloomington). He also served on the faculties of Montclair State University and William Paterson University.

    After earning undergraduate degrees in Organ Performance and Spanish language from Indiana University, Vince continued his graduate music studies at Yale University, where he was the recipient of numerous prizes from the faculty and in national organ competitions. His keen interest in the business aspect of being a career musician led him to undertake further graduate studies in business and personal finance at New York University. He holds the Associate and Choirmaster certificates from the American Guild of Organists and in 2013 he took a sabbatical in France, studying in the tradition of Nadia Boulanger. In March 2024, following extensive examinations, he was conferred the Fellowship Diploma from the Royal College of Organists (FRCO), where he earned the Limpus Prize, the Dixon Prize and the Richardson Prize.

    Vince has served as musical director/conductor for the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival in the United Kingdom, as well as the celebrity Irish singing group The Priests. His performance of Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb with the Richard Alston Dance Company (London) garnered critical acclaim in both the UK as well as New York City’s Fall for Dance Festival (2016).

    Known for his warm demeanor and charisma as a conductor, he has led professional and amateur choirs in both sacred and secular space and served as a conducting fellow for the Grammy-nominated Voices of Ascension. As a composer and improviser, he has developed original music for keyboard, choir, silent film and musical theatre.


This Passion is made possible by your donations. A special thank you to leadership donors. Sponsorship allows Saint Peter’s to continue a decades-long tradition of presenting masterworks of music in a liturgical setting on Good Friday. A donation at any of the following tiers are available on our Eventbrite, or gifts can be made on our site directly.

$30 donation | Supporter
- General admission seating.

$100 donation | Donor Circle
- Acknowledgement in the program.*
- General admission seating for two.

$250 donation | Friend Circle
- Acknowledgement in the program.*
- Reserved seating for two.

$500 donation | Benefactor Circle
- Acknowledgement in the program.*
- Reserved seating for two
- Invitation to a rehearsal.

$1,000 donation | Patron Circle
- Acknowledgement in the program.
- Reserved seating.
- Invitation to a rehearsal.
- Breakfast with the Cantor and Pastor on the morning of the performance, April 18, 2025.

* In order to appear in the program, gifts must be received by Sunday, April 6, 2025

For inquiries regarding cash or check donation, including questions on future support, please contact our Director of Development, Rebekah Thornhill.

ClassicalSaint Peters